


Organize your goals and form healthy habits

Organize your goals and form healthy habits


Product Designer
(with mentorship)

Product Designer
(with mentorship)


Capstone 1 Project
(UX/UI certification)

Capstone 1 Project
(UX/UI certification)


Mobile app to plan & track goals & habits

Mobile app to plan & track goals & habits

The Problem:

People struggle with self improvement because of distractions and obstacles

The Solution:

Set clear, organized habits and goals to create a lifestyle aligned to the goals.

Double Diamond Design

1. Discover

Secondary Research

Key takeaways from the background research

I found weaknesses in mood tracking, specifically what to do after getting the mood data.

People struggle with self improvement because of distractions and obstacles

Mood Tracking Insights

Key lessons fron researching exisiting mood tracking apps

  1. Understand the subjective dynamic nature of mood.

  2. Generate real patterns and insights without burdensome data collection.

  3. Mood data and visualizations are unclear (Reflection)

  4. Users are unsure what to do next after given mood data (Action)

Mood Tracking Insights

Key lessons fron researching exisiting mood tracking apps

  1. Understand the subjective dynamic nature of mood.

  2. Generate real patterns and insights without heavy data collection.

  3. Mood data and visualizations are unclear (Reflection)

  4. Users are unsure what to do next after given mood data (Action)


Indepth conversations about self improvement and its apps.

"I can observe it all day, like self-awareness is not the
problem. My problem is changing."

"I can observe it all day, like self-awareness is not the problem. My problem is changing."

"I feel like habits are really difficult to change"

"I feel like habits are really difficult to change"

"Once you're in a habit, it hard to break out of
habit and try and change."

"Once you're in a habit, it hard to break out of habit and try and change."

"Once you're in a habit, it hard to break out of
habit and try and change."

"But I just don't have the motivation and
discipline to do it"

"But I just don't have the motivation and discipline to do it"

"But I just don't have the motivation and
discipline to do it"

"Setting aside time. It's very hard to commit
ot it especiially if my schedule's messy."

"Setting aside time. It's very hard to commit to it especiially if my schedule's messy."

"Setting aside time. It's very hard to commit
ot it especiially if my schedule's messy."


Processing interview data to find patterns and insights

Pain Points

  1. Low self esteem

  2. Overthinking

  3. External Forces

  4. Discipline Issue

  5. Overload

  1. Objective perspective

  2. Internal Reflection

  3. Transmute Negative

  4. Confidence

  5. Proactivity



  1. Outside perspective

  2. Internal Reflection

  3. Transmute Negative

  4. Confidence

  5. Proactivity

  1. Outside perspective

  2. Internal Reflection

  3. Transmute Negative

  4. Confidence

  5. Proactivity


To personify and better understand our audience

  1. Define

User Research Insights

Key takeaways from the research

  1. Self awareness and reflection are not enough alone

  2. Discipline is foundational to habit formation

  3. Plans to improve are frequently made loosely

  4. Stress, time management, confidence are common obstacles

How Might We

  • Facilitate habit and routine creation?

  • Help people cultivate confidence?

  • Facilitate goal setting and planning for the future?

  • Reduce excessive negative emotions and stress?

  1. Develop

Wireframe Sketches

Goals tab

Habits tab

Home screen

Create Goal

Goal details

Goals tab

Habits tab

Home screen

Create Goal

Goal details

Goals tab

Habits tab

Home screen

Create Goal

Goal details

Style Guide

Lofi Prototype

Home screen

Habits tab

Create Goal

Goal details

Goals Tab

Home screen

Habits tab

Goal details

Goals Tab

Create Goal

Visual Style Exploration Insights

Testing different designs to find style that fits the product

  • Content blocking is preferred

  • Colorful designs are more engaging

  • Light background & black text are more readable

Hifi Prototype

Home tab

Goals page

Goal overview

Create Habit

Create Goal

Habits tab

Goals page

Home tab

Goal overview

Create Habit

Habits tab

Create Goal

  1. Deliver

Usability Test 1 & Iteration

Testing the solution and making improvements based on feedback

The feedback on the usability test was eye opening and I was able to iterate to improve with more perspective.

  • Side scrolling text at the top was removed

  • Multiple goals more clear on homepage

  • More responsive interaction and feedback


  • Side scrolling text at the top was removed

  • Multiple goals more clear on homepage

  • More responsive interaction and feedback

  • Side scrolling text at the top was removed

  • Multiple goals more clear on homepage

  • More responsive interaction and feedback






Checking off habits

Goal Details

Goals page

Usability Test 2

  • Focus on satisfying interactions

  • Improve milestones

  • Goal creation can be smoother

  • Focus on satisfying interactions

  • Improve milestones

  • Goal creation can be smoother

Wrap Up

Future Actions

  • Create milestone center to manage milestones of multiple goals.

  • Improve interactions to make them more satisfying

  • Improve visual feedback and indicators

  • Add Reflection (journal, mood tracker, etc.)


Research is important for direction, but remember timeline.

Research is important for direction, but remember timeline.

  • Research is important but there is endless amounts of research you can do

  • I started out researching mood trackers but found them to not be effectie

  • Then I went down a rabbit hole and additionally researched habit trackers and journaling apps.

  • It was helpful in establishing direction to decide a more encompassing goal tracking app but there was a point of diminishing returns.

  • There were articles that referenced previous articles and repeating information.
    Find the key information and move forward.

Test early and often, especially when you’re stuck

Test early and often, especially when you’re stuck

  • I got extremely valuable feedback from usability tests

  • I felt stuck for a long time designing in Figma alone without feedback.

  • Getting fresh new perspectives gave me so many ideas

  • It was feedback from testing made it clear where to go next.

  • User tests are people are offering opinions and critique and ultimately the designer has to make the decision