Eagle Bikes

Eagle Bikes

Eagle Bikes

Find your ride


Sole Product Designer
(with mentorship)


Capstone 2 Project
(UX/UI certification)


E-commerce website for bike enthusiasts

The Problem:

People bounce after looking at a few bikes and leave checkout after reaching registration.

The Solution:

Create a website with a comprehensive Compare feature and Guest Checkout.

Project Plan

1. Discovery

I studied ecommerce websites that had a Compare feature and sold bikes to find recurring patterns.

Competitive Analysis

Learning from existing user flows in the space

Example user flow analysis of TrekBikes

Example user flow analysis of TrekBikes


  • Sleek visual style

  • “Compare” very functional

  • Clear checkout process


  • Ability to expand/collapse “Compare” details

Action Items:

  • Better information organization for “Compare”

Research Insights

Insights from analyzing existing products

  1. Users should be able to choose which products to compare.

  2. “Compare” needs to be discoverable on the catalog page.

  3. After decision to purchase is made, checkout should be frictionless

2. Low Fidelity

Creating a great “Compare” feature requires giving users organized, clear product information

User Flows

Map of the ideal user experience

Lofi Prototype

Initial prototype of solution based on research

The biggest obstacle I faced was learning to prototyping with variables.

Homepage to Compare flow

Variables Panel

Conditional Statement

Prototype Example

Usability Test

Key takeaways from the testing out the prototype

  1. The “Compare List” was not comprehensive

  2. The prototype and interactions were not fully functional

  3. Reviews need to be more visible.

3. High Fidelity

Though difficult, I had a lot of fun learning about the new conditionals and variables.

Homepage to Compare List

Compare List to Cart

Cart to Checkout

User Research Insights

Key takeaways from the research

  1. Homepage needs more content, feels empty.

  2. Review section populated and added to “Compare List”.

  3. Page headers at the top could be changed and improved.

Prototype Link

Wrap Up

Future Actions

  1. Reviews are still an important feature I want to improve on.

  2. Create layout for homepage content and promotions.

  3. Add micro interactions to improve experience and feel.

  4. Change page headers to be more interesting.

Wrap Up

Future Actions

  1. Reviews are still an important feature I want to improve on.

  2. Create layout for homepage content and promotions.

  3. Add micro interactions to improve experience and feel.

  4. Change page headers to be more interesting.